13 Years ago Today Our Lives Forever Changed

I may smile on the outside but I've died too many times to count on the inside! When you ask if I'm ok, I'll likely respond with I'm good but honestly most day's I'm not! You may wonder or ask how did you do it losing a child and utter ' I couldn't do it ' how do you go on and the truth is I really don't know! I know that most people who have not lost there child or children don't know the appropriate or right word's to say to a bereaved parent and that's ok too, I only suggest to be kind, gentle and respectful when you do because as bereaved parents were very sensitive and are struggling most day's to just get out of bed and live life to the best of our ability so if you ever say something to one of us and we seem mean or cold don't take it personal were just broken and doing our best to mend back together what's left of our heart. I love you Cheanelle , always and forever! To all my fellow Bereaved parents love, light and peace to you all ♡



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