When will the silence end .

There isn't a day that goes by where I don't think about you and where you could be. I sit aimlessly for hours a day doing what at time's feels like a waste of time because I don't know if there's something different I could say or do to make those responsible actually care enough to end the torment that we live with everyday since they took you from us. My heart literally aches with pain and my mind whirls with madness and grief that makes me feel like I'm alive but just barely. Why ? Why and how can you continue to stay silent and live life like you didn't steal apart of someone else's life and loved one. You have to have ice running through you vains and the compassion of Satan. You may not even be human for all I know because that's the only thing that makes sense to me. Ashley is someone daughter, mother, sister, niece,  cousin and friend and may not mean anything to you but she means EVERYTHING to us !! So pretend for 2 seconds that your actually a human or have blood in your vains and tell what you did to her PLEASE :( You can continue to be a coward and anonymously call 1-866-313-TIPS (3477) just tell us WHERE SHE IS !!! I don't even care that much about you because you will meet your maker one day and answer for your cowardly, ruthless sins , we only want Ashley back that's the least you could do but I'm sure you'll continue to be a coward because it's likely the only real power you have in this world is being a bully aka Tuff guy, street thug or trash as I perceive you to be and I guess I should pray for you but just like our pleas have fallen on deaf ears my prayers would fall on the wrong lap because Satan is no friend of mine. I will pray you get a conscious, heart or feelings but I'm sure none of the above will happen either but hey stranger things have happened so here goes nothing I just prayed for all of the above for you and if you actually find one then miracles do happen and if nothing happens like usual I'll just have to pray that Karma comes to pay you a much needed visit sadly because your a coward I won't have the blessing to enjoy your Karma because your not bad enough , man/woman enough to step forward and claim your street cred lol your a joke and well you may have laughed first but best believe we will have the last laugh because there's no where foe you to continue to go but down,  so enjoy life while your treading above all that heat under your feet right for one day you'll burn in the hell you've inflicted on others. Yes this started out with the intentions and hope that maybe just maybe you'll see how deeply the pain runs but then I remembered Satan doesn't have feelings so you'll never relate to something you obviously never had but it isn't over till it's over Check mate your move !!!! #Sofrustrated #HoldingOn2mHope.


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