Making Change

April has been a very eventful month! I feel like I myself have accomplished so much. Not that by any means it's been just me because I've had some incredible people, causes and events that a lot of other people invested into just like me! I feel so blessed and have a renewed since of hope. I started my month off with attending Missing Persons Day which which was very promising and as always a great source of information. Then I attended Crime Victims day where my beautiful Katie Merrick shared her story and words of courage to other survivors like her. This past weekend I was honored to take part in a walk for Albany CureViolence in hopes to end the senseless killings of our youth and loved one's. Last but not least I watched my beautiful friend Patty Farrell go before our legislation to pass much needed changes in our laws to save our children from the Heroine epidemic. It has been a very fulfilling month and I look forward to getting out and involved in future events that help in making change to better the lives of my community and the citizens doing there part to make these changes in our neighborhoods and communities. Keep up the Change and never give up the fight!!!


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