My Letter To Ashley 8/13

Ashley Carroll my cousin, friend and in many ways my love for you was very similiar as the love for my own children. I can't believe it's been over 3 yrs and still noone has stepped forward with any information that could bring closure for so many. I made a promise back in May 2010 that I will NEVER give up looking for you till my dying day and I intend on keeping that promise. I pray I don't have to wait and wait and never find out what happened but either way this goes Ash just know I'm working hard and doing my best to make thing's happen, please know how much I love you even if before you went Missing we fell off due to clashes in life but that's NEVER changed the fact I truly love you. Please to all the people on the streets in Albany, NY that hold the answer's to where Ashley is, it's enough pain & suffering! Step up Once and for all and help us bring Ashley HOME!!!!


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