Lending Support

"Grief & Support” 

Lately I've been on a roller coaster ride of emotions

and I can only see it as being one thing, Grief for other's

I hate knowing & seeing new parent's become

Angel Parent’s or joining a group none of us EVER

wanted to be apart of, It deeply hurts my soul,

when I reflect back on my journey since Cheanelle

has passed and although there were more downs then

up, I started feeling like my heart had opened & my

sense's were more aware of the NEW world

I live in but then I'm reminded often, that I am

NOT the only one who is adjusting to the ”New World"

after the death of a child but sadly there are way to

many of us. About months ago now, I was having

A conversation with a lady named Patty that I had just

met through My husband best friend and naturally @ first

we didn’t say much but As the night went on & we began

to talk, somehow we came about the Death of my

daughter and I remember clear as day her saying to me,

HOW did you do it?? I could never imagine or think

I could survive Such a loss, well I’m beyond sadden

to say that on May 16 2013, She sadly became a 

member to the “Bereaved Mother’s” club that

Not a person would ever tell you there happy to be apart of.

However Since my new friend Patty is a Angel Mom , 

like me I’m going to Make Sure I can lend a hand, ear

or maybe just silence because to often we Suffer alone

because we feel like were alone in this grief

and their Is no way anyone possibly understands how

intense we feel but I can Take pride in taking her hand

(when she is ready) and show her, She Sadly is NOT alone

and that there are many people who understand Exactly

how she feels in hope’s to bring some kind of comfort

in such Horrific situation. So My pledge to myself

 and all the new “Newly Bereaved Mom’s”

just joining a journey some are new too or even to Mom’s

like me a veteran Of some sorts after 11 yrs , I think I may

know a few Thing’s and may be able to help other’s

who were and/or are just Like me when I became

A Mom of an Angel, my life was filled with So much hurt,

pain and heartbreak that I never felt so alone in Such a big

world but now I have a chance to pay it forward to Those

who need to be assured there is a light at the end of the

Tunnel And although there are many days,

I still hurt like yesterday but I’m Happy to say 

slowly thing’s are looking

Better So to all the Newcomers,

Take My Hand and Let Me Lead The way

for Your Not Alone & there Is hope 

life & smile’s to be shared It’s all A matter of time


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