Ashley Carroll Missing Since 5/6/10


A Message From My Cousin ♡♥

So as you all know My Dearest Ashley Carroll has been missing for 3 and
 a half years and that many whom love Ashley have been lost and wondering the who's, what & where she went. Well tonight Ashley paid my dearest friend and spiritual guider... a visit for her to give me a message and this is what she asked me and the ones who love her too do. Pray for her soul to be released to heaven because her soul is stuck with watching over us all struggling over her, so she needs us to know she is Happy and very much at peace and for us to not worry about who hurt her for they all have to go before GOD to only be turned away but in the mean time pray for her soul to go to Heaven and wait for everyone who harmed her Karma's play out. Once I agreed to no longer allow my heart and soul to be consumed with the What Ifs and Let go and let God she smiled and told Nina to tell me " I love you Ky" I literally heard her say it. Ashley I will honor your request but will always continue to honor your memory and let God do his job. Smiling from ear to heart ♡ MISSING ASHLEY CARROLL

— feeling blessed.



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