My Dear Friend Patty
Laree Farrell RIP
This is my dear friend Patty and her Daughter Laree. I met Patty last year through a mutual friend and we clicked right off the back. Her and I were talking about the death of my daughter Cheanelle and her sharing with me that her daughter had recently started using Heroin and even though I just met her I could see and feel her pain and anguish. We literally talked to one another as if my husband and our mutual friend weren’t there but neither of them were bothered by this. Anyway as the night went on and we talked more in depth about Cheanelle and her passing she looked at me and said how did you ever survive such a horrific loss and I responded that’s still the million dollar question even for me. One month after we meet on St. Patty’s Day 2013 we received a call that Patty’s daughter died, I was literally flabbergasted and enraged all in the same. I have meet many bereaved parents like myself but Patty and her daughter hit my heart something fierce. I tried not to focus on the news and the tragedy of another life gone too soon and another heartbroken Mom but I couldn’t shake the turmoil brewing inside of me. I felt hopeless because I didn’t have her number and even if I did we didn’t know one another that well yet to feel comfortable making a call to reach out and invade her private and personal space. However a little time went by and slowly we started talking more regular and well the rest is history she is a lifetime friend who shares the same scars and broken heart but most importantly we share an understanding and urgency to make change and use our heartache as our guide to save other families from suffering like us and making our community get up and back us, that’s what fighters do. Although Patty will never be able to bet her beautiful Laree back and or give her a chance in recovery she is doing great thing’s in the name of Laree and just went before our senate here in Albany to have the laws changed and make those who are putting this trash on our streets and giving it to our children. Laree’s Law is going to save lives and the fight to put this heroin epidemic on the front lines so everyone knows the severity of how ramp id it is state wide may also be the force behind her surviving the death of her daughter. Loss is hard but the fight and reason behind our mission to change the world has to sadly sometimes be fueled by the loss of a loved one ♥ Patty my friend our Angels put us together and together will make a change!!!