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Happy Birthday Ashley ~ Missing But Never Forgotten ~
Help Bring Ashley Carroll Home !!
Happy 28th Birthday Ashley ♥Although there isn't much to be Happy about with you still Missing on yet another birthday , we hold faith and hope close to our hearts that this will be our last Birthday not knowing where you are! I know I've posted and plead a million and one times for someone to step forward and tell what you know regardless if it's the littlest piece of information for any info is better then none. It's been nearly 4 years since Ashley " Went Missing " and honestly it's 4 years too long, what will it take for all of you who hold the answers to the who's, what's and where's ? We're tired of being at your mercy and/or waiting for our community to step up and end the violence, killings and disappearance of our loved one's, I refuse to allow so called members of My community sit back comfortable day In day out with no feelings, voice or answers for my family and other members of my community that are affected by crime. When will you step up ? When will you stand up against these Thugs and criminals who are destroying are neighborhood's, community's and most importantly our families. Why and how do you sit back and allow the ever so constant present of violence ? Will it take for you to suffer like us? Will these thugs have to hurt or kill someone you love? Well let me say that you don't have to sit back and wait to be a victim of crime before you have a voice, you can start today by stepping up and taking back our streets, our neighborhood and our children. It's never to late to make a bad situation a tolerable one but most of all it's never to late to give Ashley and families like us who suffer everyday behind the decisions of others. Stop being the problem and help be the solution, it's that easy to make a change and it's that change that can end our search for Ashley but what would be the biggest blessing is if we didn't have to celebrate another birthday not knowing but celebrate that our community gave us peace and put a end to our suffering. Please Stop the Violence .... This isn't just my wish but my life long goal! Happy Birthday Ashley ~ Missing But Never Forgotten ~
