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A overdue Visit With Family
So I went to see my cousin this weekend whom I haven't seen in over 20 year's. The last time I remember seeing her was on my 15th birthday when she was being slammed onto my lawn by our local police department, it was very tragic as it would be too any 15 year old, I have to assume. It really was great seeing her but honestly it brought me some very harsh reality's I hadn't thought of before. One being 20 years is along time to serve for attempted burglary even if you had prior convictions. I don't want to exploit my family and/her privacy but I'd be lying if I said I'm not worried. You may be asking worry about what, well there is something I didn't mention and that is my cousin is transgendered , it doesn't bother me for I love my family regardless but I know other people may not accept or agree but I really don't think other people's opinions of how someone was born is for anyone to judge , especially when the individual born with complex diversity in life are already themselves trying to figure there since or place in this world. So when people who don't understand this torment start throwing hurtful or cruel accusations only complicates it all so much more. The moral of sharing a personal aspect of my cousin and who she is was only in hope's to change one person's mind on what they think they know or understand. The best thing we as a human being can be to try and be more acceptable and patient for things, life or people we don't truly understand. Life is too short to assume but never to late to open your mind and heart, you'll be surprised when just your change of thoughts change you for the better!!